How To Increase Productivity With IT Staff Augmentation

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Did you know that you can increase productivity with IT staff augmentation? You are able to hire people to help on a project basis. Having more working hands can help you complete your projects faster.

Managers looking to increase productivity with IT staff augmentation

A big way for tech companies to stand out among competitors is to be more efficient in project completion. In order for this to happen you need to increase productivity. You can increase productivity with IT staff augmentation services.

IT staff augmentation can help you speed up your time to market on software development projects. This is strongly due to the fact that you will have additional staff to do the work. More working hands allow for balance in distributing the workload. This will hopefully help complete projects faster. Also, it will minimize the stress and no one will feel overworked. Lastly, no one will be doing work that is outside their skill set because the necessary experts will be part of the team.

However, there are numerous steps you need to take in order to make sure that 👉 IT staff augmentation 👈 will actually increase the productivity of your in-house team. Let’s dive into the strategy of how to successfully increase productivity with IT staff augmentation.

Understanding IT staff augmentation services

IT staff augmentation refers to the practice of hiring external IT professionals or teams on a temporary basis. Temporary developers are meant to supplement an organization’s existing staff and capabilities.

The purpose of IT staff augmentation is to address short-term 👉 skill gaps 👈. But also to leverage specialized expertise. Along with enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of IT operations within an organization. It allows companies to scale their IT workforce quickly. All without the need for long-term commitments or extensive recruitment processes.

This approach offers several advantages. It provides access to a larger pool of talent. This talent pool includes experts with niche skills or knowledge. Also, it can help organizations meet project deadlines. A company can respond to fluctuating workloads, and address skill gaps. IT staff augmentation can also offer cost benefits as it eliminates the need for long-term employee benefits. Along with reducing overhead costs associated with permanent hires.

9 steps strategy to increase software development team productivity with staff augmentation

Check out our 9-step strategy to help you increase software team productivity with the help of augmented staff.

Frustrated employee disagreeing receiving more work that doesnt fit in your job description

Clear roles & workflow to increase software team productivity

First, you want to define roles so that everyone knows what their job within the team is. Each team member should have a clear idea of what his or her responsibilities are within the team. This way you and your team avoid confusion. Moreover you avoid duplicate work or work not being completed.

You want to introduce augmented staff to everyone they will be working with and how their roles are all interconnected. Moreover, temporary developers should know who to report to with what types of information or problems.

Additionally, you want to make clear expectations when it comes to deadlines. Each developer on your team should know when certain tasks need to be completed. Establishing deadlines can help you complete projects on time and prevent delays.

Have an effective onboarding program

When 👉 hiring developers from a staff augmentation company 👈 you need to onboard them. As with the traditional hiring process, you need to take the time to onboard temporary developers. Also, you need to introduce temporary coders to your company’s culture.

An effective onboarding program plays a crucial role in enhancing productivity within an organization. Here are several ways in which it can contribute to increased productivity:

1. Reduced Time to Proficiency:

A well-designed onboarding program ensures that new employees receive the necessary employee training. Additionally, they will gain resources, and guidance to quickly adapt to their roles. By providing comprehensive information about the organization’s systems and processes. Along with tools, and expectations, employees can become proficient in their tasks. This reduces the learning curve. Plus it enables them to contribute productively at an earlier stage.

2. Clarifying Expectations:

Onboarding programs help set clear expectations for new hires. It helps them understand their roles, responsibilities, and performance standards. When employees have a clear understanding of what is expected from them. They can align their efforts accordingly. This will help minimize confusion and time wasted on unproductive activities.

3. Building Relationships and Networks:

Onboarding programs often include opportunities for new employees to interact with colleagues. They can get to know other developers. Also, they can meet their supervisors, and key stakeholders within the organization. By facilitating 👉 developer integration 👈, relationship-building, and networking, employees can establish valuable connections.

Moreover, they can access resources, and gain insights that are essential for their productivity. Strong professional relationships also promote effective collaboration leading to increased efficiency.

4. Increased Engagement and Motivation:

Effective onboarding programs create a positive and welcoming environment for new employees. This can foster a sense of belonging and job satisfaction. Engaged and motivated employees are more likely to invest their energy and efforts into their work. Thus resulting in higher productivity levels.

5. Minimized Errors and Rework:

Proper onboarding includes providing new hires with the knowledge and tools they need to perform their tasks accurately. By emphasizing quality standards and best practices organizations can reduce errors. This leads to greater efficiency and productivity across the board.

Communication, communication, communication

Communication is key for any software development project to increase productivity. This is because communication helps teams work together and understand each other’s roles better. It also helps them collaborate more effectively and stay on track with their goals. Ultimately, this leads to a smoother workflow and increased productivity on the software development project.

Here at Swyply, we are big on communication, without proper communication an organization dies. Communication is like oxygen for each tech company and development team. We emphasize and foster communication between all members of our team.

So we encourage our customers to take on the same approach. Moreover, you need to figure out what tools work best for you to pass along certain types of information. We will get into appropriate technologies, in the paragraphs down below.

Project management team planning successful projects

Use the appropriate technology for organization & communication

Another way to improve employee productivity using IT staff augmentation is to give developers appropriate technology. This technology could be to help develop software. It can be access to internal tools that your company uses for organization and communication. Some popular organization and communication tools include Slack, ClickUp, Asana, Jira, etc.

Be flexible to boost employee productivity

One way of increasing employee productivity levels is by being flexible. In-house staff and augmented staff can provide you with new solutions that may make your project better. They may give you ideas that will help complete the development cycle faster.

Swyply developers are more than just writers of code, they are like consultants. They can offer various technical solutions. Moreover, they can explain difficult technical concepts to you or your customer. Additionally, Swyply developers, can offer guidance on how to do certain tasks better and more efficiently.

Document code properly

So some companies want developers to document their code and their work. This is not always standard practice. If this is the case for you, then you need to make developers aware of that fact early on. Moreover, you need to give developers time to be able to complete code documentation.

Woman leading a software teams meeting

Schedule virtual chats for a time that works best for everyone

Virtual chats on tools like Zoom or Google Meet are a great way to encourage employees to communicate, collaborate, and ultimately increase software team productivity. The development process can be made easier when you are able to meet and discuss various aspects. Also, virtual chats can be used for augmented staff members and your in-house team can get to know each other better. You can schedule coffee chats or other team-building chit-chats.

So while face-to-face communication can increase software team productivity. There are times when virtual chit-chats are not always necessary. You may not need to meet up for every little thing. Sometimes a written exchange on a chat channel or email is enough. Another way to save time while still being able to communicate is recording a Loom video. This can help you communicate the message a little easier than written text. But it doesn’t involve coordinating schedules to meet on a chat.

Create a workspace that encourages employees & allows for collaboration

Another step to improve employee productivity is by creating a friendly & open workspace. You can use various project management tools to encourage employees to collaborate with each other. Moreover, you can encourage them during various tasks within the project to collaborate.

Additionally, you can encourage software developers by highlighting individual strengths. Also giving each person some autonomy. You should allow programmers some freedom to show creativity and various solutions. You will find work flows better. In fact, collaboration and freedom will increase productivity levels.

Lastly, another key aspect of an effective workspace, you can help team members coordinate various tasks. Coordinating various tasks will help increase productivity. This is because it ensures everyone is on the same page.

Try to avoid content-switching for software developers

So something that many developers dislike is constant content-switching. Content-switching is having to switch between several different tasks throughout the day. Each task requires the developer to get into a certain mindset. Once he or she is in that mindset and flow, it’s inconvenient when they have to switch out of it. When they do switch to a different task, they need to switch mindsets and get into a new flow. Sometimes this can be time-consuming and slow down progress.

But this is not to say that a developer shouldn’t have more than one task. They can have a few tasks throughout the day but there should be a nice balance. It’s important for them to not feel pressured or rushed. This way you can get the best results.

Find a balance when assigning tasks & overlooking progress without micromanaging

So, whether you have a project manager or a Scrum master, you need to find balance when managing development projects. First, the manager needs to find balance when assigning tasks. Ideally, with augmented software developers, no team member should feel overworked. The tasks should be spread out in such a way that no one is feeling overwhelmed. Also, as we mentioned in the paragraphs above there should be enough tasks that a developer has to do, without too much content switching.

Another aspect that helps with productivity is finding the right management style. The same 👉 management style 👈 does not work for everyone. It’s important for managers to find a balance between control and flexibility. The worst thing that a manager can do is try to micromanage their developers.

Why micromanagement is bad for productivity?

Micromanaging software developers can be detrimental to a team’s productivity. It can create an environment of distrust, decrease morale, and lead to burnout. Not only does it take away from the autonomy of the individual developer but it also takes away from their ability to think critically and come up with creative solutions.

Micromanagement can also lead to decreased productivity as developers become too focused on meeting deadlines. Instead of focusing on quality work. This leads to more bugs and errors in the code which takes longer for developers to fix. In addition, micromanagement can lead to a lack of collaboration between team members. As well as a decrease in creativity and innovation.

By avoiding micromanagement, software developers can be empowered with the freedom they need to do their best work. Without feeling like they are constantly being watched over or judged by their managers. This will result in higher-quality code and increased collaboration among team members. Overall this will lead to improved productivity for the company.

Augmented developer working on laptop to complete his own tasks to increase Productivity With IT Staff Augmentation

Summary of how to maximize productivity with IT staff augmentation services

IT staff augmentation refers to the practice of hiring additional IT staff on a temporary or project basis. These temporary coders are there to supplement your organization’s existing workforce. This involves engaging a third-party IT service provider to supply skilled IT professionals to work on specific projects. These augmented programmers are typically paid for a set 👉 hourly or daily rate 👈.

Moreover, IT staff augmentation can help organizations quickly scale up their IT capabilities. Also, they can manage fluctuating demands without incurring the costs and commitment associated with hiring full-time staff.

Additionally, when using an IT staff augmentation service you can help you increase the productivity of your software development team. Some key aspects to increase productivity levels include:

  • Establishing clear roles & workflow to increase software team productivity
  • Focusing on communication, communication, communication
  • Using the appropriate technology for organization & communication
  • Being flexible to boost employee productivity
  • Document code properly
  • Scheduling virtual chats for a time that works best for everyone
  • Creating a workspace that encourages employees & allows for collaboration
  • Try to avoid content-switching for software developers
  • Find a balance when assigning tasks & overlooking progress without micromanaging

Want to know more tips and tricks to increase productivity with the help of IT staff augmentation? 👉 Drop us a line 👈 and let’s have a free no-obligation chat.

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