Hire dedicated blockchain developers

Are you ready to unlock the true potential of blockchain technology for your business?

Hire dedicated blockchain developers who possess the skills and expertise to revolutionize your operations. Harness the power of decentralized solutions, smart contracts, and more.

Don’t miss out on the blockchain revolution – take the leap today!

Blockchain & crypto development
Find top-notch blockchain developers

Customization and Expertise: The Edge of Hiring Dedicated Blockchain Talent

Customization and Expertise stand as the cornerstones of success when it comes to hiring dedicated blockchain talent. As organizations increasingly recognize the transformative potential of blockchain across various industries, the need for skilled professionals who can navigate the intricacies of this decentralized world becomes paramount.

The edge of hiring dedicated blockchain talent lies in the ability to assemble a team that not only comprehends the fundamental concepts of blockchain but can also adapt and innovate within the dynamic ecosystem. Such professionals bring a wealth of experience, having worked on diverse projects, and can contribute valuable insights gained from tackling real-world challenges.

In a world where innovation is key to staying ahead, investing in a team that understands the intricacies of blockchain technology can be the differentiator between a mere adoption of decentralized solutions and a truly transformative journey toward the future.

Blockchain projects

What’s the fuss about blockchain?

Blockchain technology when it first became popular, continues to be of interest across various industries. It offers various unique features, that cause people ooo and aahh over it.

  1. One of these features includes decentralization. Decentralization in blockchain refers to the distribution of control and decision-making across a network of nodes, eliminating the need for a central authority and enhancing security and trust in a peer-to-peer system.
  2. Another key feature of this technology is cryptographic techniques to secure transactions and control access to information. Each block is linked to the previous one through a cryptographic hash, forming a chain. This makes it extremely difficult for malicious actors to alter.
  3. One final that we will mention is blockchain technology, is the famous advent of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Cryptocurrencies have introduced new possibilities for financial transactions, especially in terms of borderless and decentralized transactions.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg, there are so many other things to fuss about when it comes to blockchain.

Blockchain software developers are worth it!

Why hire blockchain developers?

There a numerous reasons why you should hire blockchain developers to join your next project. Here are just three excellent reasons, why you should add crypto developers to your team:

future proof technology

Future-Proofing Technology Stack

Integrating blockchain into your project ensures that it stays aligned with emerging technological trends. Blockchain technology continues to evolve, and by hiring developers with expertise in this field, you can future-proof your project.

Innovative Solutions with Decentralization

Innovative Solutions with Decentralization

By hiring blockchain developers, you enable your project to leverage this decentralization to create innovative solutions. This can lead to more transparent, secure, and efficient processes.

Scalability Solutions

Blockchain technology, especially in public networks, faces challenges related to scalability. Blockchain developers are adept at addressing scalability issues by implementing various solutions such as sharding, off-chain transactions, or layer-2 scaling solutions.

Blockchain solutions

3 types of Blockchain development

Three types of blockchain development serve various purposes. Let’s dive into them.

Public blockchain


A public blockchain is like an open book that everyone can read, but only authorized individuals can write in. It’s a decentralized and transparent system where the entire transaction history is accessible to anyone. Bitcoin and Ethereum are popular examples of public blockchains.

In these networks, anyone can participate, validate transactions, and add new blocks to the chain. Therefore, making it a truly distributed and inclusive ledger. Public blockchains rely on consensus mechanisms to ensure trust and security among participants.

Public blockchain
Blockchain project

Private blockchain

A private blockchain is a type of blockchain network that is restricted to a specific group of participants. Unlike public blockchains, which are open and decentralized, private blockchains are permissioned and typically operate within a closed ecosystem where only authorized participants have access to the network. Some key characteristics of private blockchain include:

  • Participants in a private blockchain are usually known and authorized entities.
  • Private blockchains are operated by a single company. Therefore, central authority maintains control over the network’s rules, permissions, and consensus mechanisms.
  • You can also count on faster transactions in comparison to public blockchains.
  • This type of blockchain is often more scalable. They don’t face the same level of computational and consensus challenges as public blockchains with a large number of nodes.

Private blockchains are often employed by businesses. They typically require a shared and secure ledger but also need control over who can participate and access the data. Private blockchains are used in various industries for applications like supply chain management, financial transactions, and internal record-keeping.

Blockchain developer creating private blockchain
Building Blockchain platforms

Consortium Blockchain

A consortium blockchain is a type of blockchain network that is governed by a group of organizations rather than a single entity. In contrast to public blockchains (like Bitcoin or Ethereum) where anyone can participate and contribute to the network, and private blockchains where a single organization has control. Consortium blockchains are a middle ground. They are designed for multiple organizations to collaborate and share authority over the blockchain.

Some key features of a consortium blockchain include:

  • Access to the network is restricted to a predefined group of participants. These participants are typically organizations that form a consortium to work together.
  • Governance of the blockchain is distributed among the consortium members. Decisions regarding the rules, consensus mechanisms, and other aspects of the blockchain are typically made through a consensus among the consortium members.
  • Since consortium members are known and trusted entities, there may be more options for privacy and confidentiality in transactions compared to public blockchains.

Consortium blockchains are commonly used in situations where multiple organizations need to collaborate on a shared blockchain while maintaining a degree of trust and control over the network. Use cases include supply chain management, finance, healthcare, and other industries where multiple parties need to share data and transactions securely.

Woman crypto developer building blockchain
Hire a blockchain developer to fill your project needs

Services temporary blockchain developers can help you handle

Swyply developers can help you tackle different blockchain projects, to help you expand your business or meet current demands.

Blockchain engineers for enterprises

Enterprise Blockchain development

Enterprise blockchain development involves creating and implementing blockchain solutions for businesses and organizations to enhance transparency, security, and efficiency in various processes. Blockchain developers play a crucial role in enterprise blockchain development. Some tasks they would typically take on include:

  • Create a robust and scalable blockchain architecture that aligns with the enterprise’s goals.
  • Write and deploy smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. Implement business logic and rules within smart contracts to automate processes.
  • Choose and implement an appropriate consensus mechanism based on the enterprise’s requirements. Ensure the network’s reliability and consistency through consensus algorithms.
  • Conduct thorough testing of the blockchain solution to identify and address any bugs or vulnerabilities.
  • Finally, deploy and monitor the blockchain.

A real-life example of enterprise blockchain development is IBM’s Food Trust Network. This blockchain solution aims to improve the traceability and transparency of the food supply chain. By leveraging blockchain technology, Food Trust allows participants, including farmers, suppliers, distributors, retailers, and consumers, to have a secure and immutable record of every transaction and movement of food products. Through the use of smart contracts and a shared ledger, Food Trust helps prevent fraud, reduce foodborne illnesses, and streamline the process of tracking the origin and journey of food products.

Man creating architecture for enterprise blockchain
Bitcoin, Tether, BNB coins, and so much more

Cryptocurrency development

Cryptocurrency development is a fascinating and rapidly evolving field that has gained significant attention in recent years. As the demand for decentralized and secure financial systems grows, hiring a blockchain software developer can help you keep up. Developing a cryptocurrency involves creating and maintaining the blockchain network, designing consensus algorithms, developing smart contracts, and implementing cryptographic security measures.

Hiring a blockchain software developer is crucial for successful cryptocurrency development for a few reasons:

  • A skilled developer can navigate the complexities of blockchain technology and design a robust and efficient system. They have knowledge and skills in various programming languages, cryptography, and distributed systems.
  • A dedicated developer can tailor the blockchain network to meet specific needs, whether it’s scalability, privacy features, or interoperability with other blockchains.
  • A blockchain developer with expertise in cryptography can implement strong security measures to protect against hacks, fraud, and other cyber threats.
  • Also, blockchain engineers can create smart contracts that automate and enforce the rules of transactions, ensuring trustless and decentralized execution.
  • Building a community around a cryptocurrency is essential for its success. Remote blockchain developers can engage with the community, address concerns, and implement improvements based on user feedback, fostering a supportive and active user base.

Hiring a blockchain software developer is a strategic investment for any cryptocurrency project. Swyply core blockchain developers have the technical expertise and ability to customize solutions. Moreover, they focus on security, and commitment to continuous improvement contributes significantly to the successful development and maintenance of a cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency development
Custom cryptocurrency wallet development teams

Blockchain wallets development

Blockchain wallet development services involve creating secure and efficient digital wallets for storing and managing cryptocurrencies. When you hire our experienced blockchain developers, they will lend their expertise to create a secure, functional, and user-friendly wallet.

When you hire blockchain engineers they take on the critical tasks of:

  • integrating the chosen blockchain network,
  • implementing robust security measures to safeguard user assets and private keys,
  • and ensuring a seamless user experience through intuitive interface design.

They play a pivotal role in writing and deploying smart contracts when applicable, addressing potential vulnerabilities through rigorous testing, and planning for scalability to accommodate the evolving demands of a growing user base. Additionally, developers stay attuned to regulatory compliance requirements, providing comprehensive documentation to facilitate smooth user interactions within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

The best real-world example of a blockchain wallet is “MetaMask”. MetaMask is a popular cryptocurrency wallet and gateway to decentralized applications (DApps) built on the Ethereum blockchain. Users can manage their assets, interact with DApps, and participate in decentralized finance (DeFi) activities through the MetaMask wallet. It serves as an example of how blockchain wallets can enhance the user experience and broaden access to decentralized technologies.

Bitcoin wallet development
Blockchain development project

Multi-chain development

Multi-chain development in the blockchain industry refers to the concept of using multiple interconnected blockchains to enhance the scalability, interoperability, and functionality of a blockchain ecosystem. Instead of relying on a single blockchain network, developers can create and deploy multiple chains that can communicate with each other.

Swyply developers can create a mult-chain with the help of common programming languages such as Solidity, Rust, or C++. Furthermore, they have an understanding of smart contract development. Additionally, they have expertise in developing protocols and standards for interoperability between different chains. They also have a strong understanding of blockchain security principles to prevent vulnerabilities and attacks. Finally, they have skills in designing scalable and modular system architectures to accommodate the addition of new chains.

Developers can design specialized chains for specific purposes, such as:

  • smart contracts,
  • token issuance,
  • or privacy features.

These chains can then interact with each other, creating a more flexible and versatile blockchain infrastructure. One example of a multi-chain ecosystem is the Polkadot network. Polkadot is a blockchain platform that facilitates the interoperability of different blockchains, allowing them to connect and share information.

Custom smart contracts

Smart contracts

Smart contract development in blockchain involves the creation of self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. Hiring blockchain developers proficient in languages like Solidity, familiarity with blockchain platforms such as Ethereum, and a strong understanding of cryptography is crucial for this process. These developers ensure the seamless execution and security of smart contracts, guarding against vulnerabilities and ensuring compliance with desired business logic.

Take for example the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, where smart contracts govern lending and borrowing protocols. Platforms like Compound Finance utilize smart contracts to automatically execute lending and borrowing transactions based on predefined rules, eliminating the need for intermediaries and enhancing efficiency and transparency in financial operations.

With skilled blockchain developers, businesses can harness the power of smart contracts to revolutionize various industries, enhancing trust and reducing transaction costs.

Woman developing smart contracts
Hire blockchain developers

Stablecoin development

Stablecoin development within blockchain ecosystems has emerged as a pivotal area, aiming to bridge the gap between the stability of traditional fiat currencies and the decentralization of cryptocurrencies. Software developers entering such projects typically face several key tasks.

Firstly, they may work on smart contract development to ensure the stability mechanisms embedded in the stablecoin’s protocol function efficiently. Secondly, optimizing blockchain scalability and security is crucial to handle high transaction volumes and prevent vulnerabilities.

Additionally, developers focus on creating user-friendly interfaces and wallets to enhance accessibility and adoption. Tether (USDT) serves as a prominent real-life example, employing blockchain technology to maintain a stable value by pegging it to the US dollar, facilitating seamless transactions within the crypto space.

Creating a blockchain system

Blockchain supply chain development

Blockchain supply chain development involves leveraging blockchain technology to enhance the transparency, traceability, and efficiency of supply chain processes. Tasks involved in this type of development include:

  • designing and implementing smart contracts to automate and enforce agreements between parties,
  • integrating IoT devices to capture real-time data from the supply chain,
  • developing decentralized applications (dApps) for tracking and verifying the movement of goods,
  • and ensuring the security and integrity of data through cryptographic techniques.

Hiring blockchain developers for such projects brings several benefits, including their expertise in building secure and decentralized systems, their understanding of blockchain protocols and consensus mechanisms, and their ability to customize solutions to fit specific supply chain requirements. Additionally, blockchain developers can streamline processes, reduce costs, mitigate risks such as fraud and counterfeiting, and improve overall supply chain efficiency.

Supply chain on blockchain
Blockchain applications

Decentralized exchange app development

Decentralized exchange (DEX) app development involves creating digital platforms that enable users to trade cryptocurrencies directly with each other without the need for a centralized intermediary, such as a traditional exchange.

You can hire blockchain developers to help you with this type of project, as they can take on numerous tasks. Some of these tasks include:

  • Ensuring the security of the platform by implementing robust encryption methods and smart contract audits to protect users’ assets.
  • Also, taking care of scalability. The platform should be able to handle a large number of transactions without compromising speed or efficiency.
  • Developers will also focus on creating an intuitive user interface that provides a seamless trading experience. While incorporating advanced features like liquidity pools and order-matching algorithms.
  • Another essential task is interoperability with various blockchain networks is also essential to facilitate cross-chain trading.

Overall, hiring blockchain developers involves addressing these multifaceted challenges to build a secure, scalable, and user-friendly decentralized exchange app.

Decentralized exchange app development
Blockchain programming languages

Technology Stack

The blockchain tech stack encompasses various programming languages tailored for smart contract development, with Solidity, Vyper, and Rust standing out as prominent options.

Solidity, the most widely used language, offers a familiar syntax akin to JavaScript and is the primary language for Ethereum smart contracts. Vyper, designed for Ethereum as well, emphasizes security and simplicity, ideal for writing secure code with fewer vulnerabilities. Rust, gaining traction for its performance and safety features, provides a robust alternative for blockchain development, particularly in projects requiring high scalability and resilience.

Each language caters to different needs within the blockchain ecosystem, collectively shaping the landscape of decentralized applications and protocols. You can hire blockchain developers who specialize in these programming languages to ensure that your project needs are met. Create a successful project with experienced top-notch blockchain developers. 

Blockchain tech stack
Hire blockchain developers

Process of hiring blockchain devs via staff augmentation

Developers & programmers

Rent the best blockchain developers quickly & add new blood to your team easily. First of all, you need to know what type of developer you want to hire. Once we find suitable applicants, we will schedule job interviews for you. After the interview process, let us know which crypto engineer(s) you would like to join your project.

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Our Guarantee

14 day risk-free trail Blockchain coders for hire


Are you worried that the blockchain devs you hire won’t be the right fit and you’ll lose money? We have a solution!

We offer a risk-free trial period that lasts two weeks giving you a safeguard in case something changes or is not working out.

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Swyply advantage

Why choose Swyply?

Check out the top two reasons why you should choose Swyply to borrow blockchain engineers to extend your team.


In-house talented blockchain developers

We have an in-house team of highly talented blockchain developers that you can choose to bring onto your team on a contract basis. Our in-house team consists of Front-End, Back-End, Mobile Developers, and Niche tech developers.

Most of our developers have a minimum of 3 years of experience in any given tech stack. However, if you need a Tech Leader, we can hire this type of specialist for you. Moreover, we can provide you with Junior Developers to meet your project requirements.


Blockchain developers from partnering 50+ Software Houses

In case we cannot find a blockchain crypto engineer from our in-house team, don’t stress, we have partnering companies ready to help us out. We can borrow and hire IT cryptocurrency engineers for you from 1 of 50+ partnering Software Houses. Just like our in-house developers, they possess various experience and programming knowledge.

We take care of this process on our end, and you get the specialist you need without the extra hassle and stress. So, we handle the communication and invoicing with the Software Houses. You do not have to worry about handling anything with a third-party software house.

Ideal blockchain developer with IT staffing

What are the benefits of finding crypto developers using staff aug?

Let’s explore the many benefits of finding cryptocurrency developers using IT staff augmentation services.

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Pre-vetted experts

Pre-vetted expertise

Discover and recruit blockchain specialists who are meticulously screened professionals ready to integrate seamlessly into your workforce. Our cryptocurrency experts undergo a meticulous selection procedure, assessing both their technical prowess and interpersonal abilities. This guarantees a pool of elite developers at your disposal. Likewise, engineers from affiliated software firms undergo rigorous vetting to uphold our high standards. With this approach, your hiring process becomes merely a procedural step.

Full control over project

Full project control

Employing blockchain developers via IT staff augmentation grants you complete authority over your project. The blockchain developer becomes an integral part of your team, dedicated solely to your tasks. They collaborate closely with your project manager and other developers, receiving assignments and guidance. As a result, you retain complete control over the execution timing and methods of your project.

bridge to hire

Bridge to hire

When seeking permanent personnel, consider supplementing your team with our remote Developers for short-term projects lasting a minimum of 3 months. This strategy allows you to maintain project momentum while conducting traditional recruitment for permanent roles. By leveraging temporary workers alongside your hiring efforts, you can ensure project continuity and meet critical deadlines without concerns about financial setbacks due to understaffing.

complete projects on time

Complete projects faster

When integrating new developers into your team, their immediate contribution to task completion accelerates project progress. Recognizing the occasional urgency of looming deadlines, where your current workforce may fall short, timely reinforcement becomes imperative. Failure to meet deadlines or exceed anticipated project durations poses significant financial risks. Mitigate such risks with our software’s developer augmentation services, ensuring seamless project continuity and enhanced efficiency.

FAQs about hiring blockchain software engineers through IT staff augmentation

Check out some answers to your most frequently asked questions about hiring blockchain devs with the help of staff augmentation services.

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The rate to hire one of our blockchain developers on an augmented staffing basis varies on the type of expert and seniority level. Our hourly rates range from $15 to $60 per hour. So for example, $15 per hour is for a developer that is at the junior level, whereas, $60 per hour would get you a developer who has high seniority. This would be a developer that specializes in a technology that is in high demand on the market. Moreover, this would be someone who could do more than just code your project, they would be a Tech Leader, meaning they could help with organizing or managing tasks.

Learn more about the price of staff augmentation

In the realm of blockchain development, Ethereum continues to hold a prominent position, with its smart contract capabilities and extensive ecosystem driving demand for Solidity expertise. Additionally, technologies facilitating scalability and interoperability, such as Layer 2 solutions and cross-chain protocols like Polkadot and Cosmos, are gaining traction.

DeFi protocols like Compound and Uniswap remain hotspots for development, alongside the booming NFT space, requiring skills in creating marketplaces and integrating NFT functionality. Overall, proficiency in Ethereum, smart contract languages, DeFi, NFTs, and emerging scalability solutions constitute the current in-demand skill set for blockchain developers.

There are several different skills that a typical blockchain developer should have to make him or her the right one for your project. Let’s go over three technical and one soft skill that you should look for during the hiring process.

Technical skills include:

  • Solidity programming is a must-have. This is the main programming language for developing smart contracts on blockchain platforms such as Ethereum. A blockchain developer should be proficient in Solidity to create secure and efficient smart contracts.
  • They need to understand blockchain architecture. A developer needs to know concepts like consensus mechanisms, decentralized networks, and cryptographic techniques. This knowledge is crucial for designing and implementing scalable and secure blockchain solutions.
  • Also, a developer needs to have experience with Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs). Understanding the underlying principles of DLTs helps developers choose the right platform for specific blockchain use cases and optimize performance.

One soft skill that you should look for includes:

  • Problem-solving skills are crucial soft skills for all developers. Blockchain development often involves solving complex problems related to security, scalability, and interoperability. A blockchain developer should have strong problem-solving skills to identify issues and design innovative solutions.

These are just some skills to look for and aim to have on your team to make it successful.


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Dawid Stasiak
CEO & Founder at Swyply

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Ready to make your mark in the blockchain space?

Our blockchain devs can help you build your empire, one block at a time

Don’t wait for the future to unfold! Hire them now and take control of your destiny!

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